Evan Desnoo Obituary, Death:- West Allis Fire Department Station 62 is mourning the untimely passing of Evan Desnoo. He was announced dead today, Tuesday, the 9th of April 2024.
There was no cause of death reported for Evan Desnoo at the time of this publication. However, his family has confirmed the heartbreaking news. Thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family during this difficult time.
Evan Desnoo was not like any other young man. He was the beloved son of Dan deSnoo, a well-known and respected firefighter. Through his 25-year legacy, Dan was a shining example of service and commitment as Fire Captain at WAFD Station 62. People in the community and among his coworkers respected and admired him for his years of hard work and dedication.
Growing up in this famous family tree gave Evan the same kind of kindness and bravery that made his father great. Since he was a child, he saw the struggles and successes that come with being from a fireman family. Drawing from Dan’s model, Evan showed honesty, strength, and kindness toward others.
Evan was on his own road in life, but his father’s influence was always there, shaping his personality and giving him goals to strive for. Every day, he worked to live up to the legacy his father had given him and to uphold the ideals taught by the firefighting brotherhood.
Evan was the son of a veteran Fire Captain, but he was also a very special person in his own right. He was a great example of the strong bond between a father and his loving child, and he came from a long line of firefighters in their family.
Dan deSnoo a 25-year veteran and current Fire Captain at WAFD Station 62 and his family have been dealt with a tragedy, the untimely death of their 14-year-old son Evan deSnoo. To aid in the unexpected financial burden L342, WAFF-Charities, and WAFD administration are asking for donations.
All donations can be made via our WAFF-Charities Venmo: @WAFFC | West Allis Fire Fighters Charities, Inc @WAFFC Venmo. Any questions please reach out to L342 VP Dan Becker at 1342VP@gmail.com or S/T Brandon Foley at 1342sectreas@gmail.com.
Feel free to leave a message of condolences and prayers for the family and friends of the deceased in the comments section as it will go a long way for them during this difficult time.
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