Dana Chang Obituary: Dana Chang, a resident of Belmont, died on April 11, 2024, at 17. Daughter of John Chang and June Song, who is filled with love. Dayoon Chang’s dedicated sibling.
The visiting hours at the John Everett & Sons Funeral Home located at 4 Park Street, Natick Common, will be held on Tuesday, April 16th, from 6 to 9 pm. The funeral service will take place at the funeral home on Wednesday, April 17th at 11:00 am. Relatives and friends are cordially invited to attend.
Burial at Newton Cemetery & Arboretum. Dana, a music student, performed as a violinist at the prestigious Walnut Hill School for the Arts located in Natick.
I moved from Shanghai, China to Boston in August 2019. I met Dana in September of that year at Belmont Day School, when we were only 12. She was my first friend in this country. Little did I know she would become my best friend for the years ahead.
We shared so many memories. We went to cross-country meets, attended Model United Nations conferences, helped each other practice our 8th-grade Capstone presentations, and so much more…she was the only person I kept in touch with, even after we’d gone to high school.
She was the most hardworking person I have known. She was dedicated to all the things she loved. She brought joy to all of those around her, and I was strongly impacted by her presence. It was an honor to have someone this amazing in my life. She made who I am today.
The last time I hung out with her was in January, when she visited after I had moved homes. We were just planning to hang out again last week… I wish one day to hear her beautifully playing the violin again, and run side by side with her. I know she is in a much better place now.
Andrew Gu wrote: I first met Dana at the Walnut Hill School Welcome orientation. Among the crowd, it was the sound of her mom and her speaking Korean that caught my attention. As I approached and met Dana, her charm and intelligence were immediately apparent.
Dana, from what I could glean, was very reserved, but she excelled in everything she undertook with a determination that was truly admirable. She carried herself with quiet grace-always polite, kind, and genuinely happy.
Dana’s death was extremely shocking to me. It´s difficult to comprehend why someone so gifted and compassionate is taken from us. And as much as this means, Mr. Chang, Mr. Song, and all of Dana´s family and friends, I hope you find comfort in knowing that she was admired by all around her. I hope you find solace in her legacy through the memories we shared with her and her importance in our stories.
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